sexta-feira, junho 13, 2008

Porreiro, pá!

5 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo said...

A coisa mais extraordinária a que assisti durante o dia de ontem foi a sistemática atribuição da derrota do tratado de Lisboa na Irlanda à suposta «desvirtuação» do referendo pelos adeptos do «Não».

Como se, por exemplo, tomar a avidez dos senhores comissários por políticas estrangeiras e exércitos comuns como uma carta branca para a participação em guerras indesejáveis à revelia das populações fosse uma preocupação do outro mundo, quando são justamente riscos como esse que estão em causa!

Toma lá, José, que já almoçaste! Erin go bragg!

Aqui fica uma velha cantiga para comemorar:

By the Rising of the Moon

Pois é... a Irlanda é uma nação pequena, mas é a sério. Como ficou bem explicado na resposta fulminante do Eamon de Valera ao Churchill, no fim da 2ªGM:

De Valera's reluctance to recognise a difference between World War II and previous European wars was illustrated by his reply to a radio broadcast by the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill on V-E Day. Churchill praised Britain's restraint in not occupying Ireland in order to secure the Western Approaches during the Battle of the Atlantic:

"...the approaches which the southern Irish ports and airfields could so easily have guarded were closed by the hostile aircraft and U-boats. This indeed was a deadly moment in our life, and if it had not been for the loyalty and friendship of Northern Ireland, we should have been forced to come to close quarters with Mr. de Valera, or perish from the earth. However, with a restraint and poise to which, I venture to say, history will find few parallels, His Majesty’s Government never laid a violent hand upon them, though at times it would have been quite easy and quite natural, and we left the de Valera Government to frolic with the German and later with the Japanese representatives to their heart’s content."

De Valera replied to Churchill in another radio broadcast, which was popular in Eire:

"Allowances can be made for Mr. Churchill’s statement, however unworthy, in the first flush of victory. No such excuse could be found for me in this quieter atmosphere. There are, however, some things it is essential to say. I shall try to say them as dispassionately as I can. Mr. Churchill makes it clear that, in certain circumstances, he would have violated our neutrality and that he would justify his actions by Britain’s necessity. It seems strange to me that Mr. Churchill does not see that this, if accepted, would become a moral code and that when this necessity became sufficiently great, other people’s rights were not to count… that is precisely why we had this disastrous succession of wars -- World War No.1 and World War No.2 -- and shall it be World War No.3? Mr. Churchill is proud of Britain’s stand alone, after France had fallen and before America entered the war. Could he not find in his heart the generosity to acknowledge that there is a small nation that stood alone not for one year or two, but for several hundred years against aggression; that endured spoliations, famine, massacres, in endless succession; that was clubbed many times into insensibility, but each time on returning to consciousness took up the fight anew; a small nation that could never be got to accept defeat and has never surrendered her soul?"

E está tudo dito!

12:17 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Onde está «como uma carta branca para» leia-se «como um desejo de carta branca para».

12:36 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Artigo eloquente aqui.

Resta-nos agora a esperança de que pelo menos os ingleses cancelem a ratificação no parlamento e ponham termo às veleidades do Barroso (cujo lugar deveria ser o banco dos réus por crime de guerra) & colegas.

1:12 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Viva a velha e verde Irlanda!

2:57 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Brussels: An advice - Beware The Rising of the Moon...

12:23 da manhã  

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